- (G1 S1) RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes
- ACDC Chemical Course
- AHCBIO203 – Inspect and clean machinery, tools and equipment to preserve biosecurity
- AHCMOM213 & FWPCOT2239 Cluster
- AHCMOM302 Perform machinery maintenance
- AHCMOM304 Operate machinery and equipment
- AHCMOM305 Operate specialised machinery and equipment
- AHCWHS302 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes
- AHCWRK320 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
- BSBDIV301 Work effectively with diversity
- BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
- Confined Space & Gas Test Cluster
- CPCCCM3003A Work safely around power sources, services and assets
- EWP Cluster – RIIHAN301E & TLID3035 (2 Units)
- EWP Cluster – RIIHAN301E-TLID3035-TLILIC0005 (3 Units)
- FWPCOT2236 Fall trees manually (basic)
- FWPCOT2237 Maintain chainsaws
- FWPCOT2240-3301 Polesaw cluster
- FWPCOT2254 & FWPCOT2256 Cluster
- HLTAID009 & HLTAID011 Provide first aid + CPR
- HLTAID009 CPR & UETTDRRF06 Perform rescue from a live LV panel
- HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- Language Literacy & Numeracy Assessment
- MSMWHS201 Conduct Hazard Analysis
- MSMWHS216 Operate Breathing Apparatus
- MSMWHS217 Gas test atmospheres
- RIICOM302D Communicate Workplace Information
- RIIHAN301E Operate Elevated Work Platform
- RIIHAN309F Conduct Telescopic Materials Handler Operations
- RIIMPO304E Conduct wheel loader operations (RIO)
- RIIMPO308F Conduct tracked dozer operations
- RIIMPO310F Conduct grader operations
- RIIMPO312E Conduct scraper operations
- RIIMPO317F Conduct roller operations
- RIIMPO318F Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader operations
- RIIMPO319E Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations
- RIIMPO320F Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations
- RIIMPO321F Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations
- RIIMPO323E Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations
- RIIMPO337E Articulated haul truck
- RIIMPO338E Conduct rigid haul truck operations
- RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes (G1 S1)
- RIIRIS402E Carry out Risk Management Process (G2)
- RIISAM202E Isolate and access plant
- RIISAM212E Service mine plant and equipment
- RIISAM301F Test operational functions of vehicles and equipment
- RIIVEH201E Operate light vehicle
- RIIVEH305F Operate and Maintain a 4WD
- RIIWHS202E Enter and Work in Confined Spaces
- RIIWHS204E Work Safely at Heights
- Standard 11
- SUPERVISORS – G8 & G9 Cluster
- SUPERVISORS – S123 Cluster
- TLIF2080 Safely Access the Rail Corridor
- Working at Heights Cluster